Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I use your services if I can go with a bank?

We can help you find the right loan or financial solution , We help assess all your options, whereas the Bank is restricted by being only able to present one view. The best deal is not necessarily the cheapest interest rate. We will examine your circumstances and future plans to recommend a loan or financing solution that is right for you. Also when you approach a bank your bank never going to tell you if another bank is cheaper

Will you charge a service charge or fee from us?

There are no fees for most of the services we deal with. For more complex and structured transactions, or when we deal with a lender who does not pay commissions we may charge an upfront fee for our services.

How can we be sure that you will recommend a suitable loan?

It is a common misconception that loan agents recommend unsuitable loans for their clients to try to maximise their incentives. We recommend several suitable loans for you and then let you decide which one you would like to apply with. 

Do you choose particular banks to get a higher incentive?

As we are not part of a franchise group we can do business with any lending banks. This means that you get more choice and a better range of loan products.

What can I do to strengthen my loan application?

Inform us of your background and requirements so we can guide you through the right options. It can be detrimental for your loan application if we get the wrong information upfront.

Can my application be done via online?

Yes, we have an online application form and we can use email for further clarifications and to receive and send information.

JP Fintrack

We are experts in banking sector with a huge range of financial products and services with a view to satisfy and enrich salaried as well as self employed people at the tip of the fingertips.

Our Services

Personal Loan
Business Loan
Home Loan
Credit Cards
Debt Consolidation
Financial Consulting

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(+971) 58 544 8330
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